Search for Shaw Go WiFi zones
Please click “Read More” for a description of the functions and features!
مع Shaw Go WiFi ، يمكنك تمديد تجربتك على الإنترنت إلى ما وراء منزلك إلى مناطق عامة مثل مراكز التسوق والحدائق والمقاهي والمطاعم والصالات الرياضية.
مع وجود أكثر من 100000 من النقاط الساخنة لـ Shaw Go WiFi في جميع أنحاء غرب كندا ومئات من الأحداث الجديدة التي تظهر كل شهر ، فإن تطبيق Shaw Go WiFi Finder يجعل من السهل تحديد موقع مريح للحصول على إصلاح WiFi الخاص بك.
Enjoy high speed WiFi access and bypass expensive mobile data charges! Stream video, wage online battles and use data-intensive applications on all your wireless devices just as smoothly around town as at home. Use the app to register your device and connect in any of our hotspots for free*. أفضل ما في الأمر ، بمجرد تسجيل جهازك وتوصيله بالشبكة ، ستتصل تلقائيًا في كل مرة تكون فيها في نقطة اتصال WiFi.
The following clearly explains all the Functions and Features of the app as required by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation. This is simply a more detailed version than is provided by app store permissions acceptance.
*For current Shaw Internet Subscribers, Guest accounts and temporary access code users.
The Shaw Go WiFi Finder App will:
- Use your Location Services (GPS and Network-based), to determine and display your location
- Temporarily store, modify or delete the contents of your locally stored data on the device or externally as needed for caching data used by Google / Apple Maps, and storing user specific data (ie favourites)
- Receive data from the Internet, to enable search results, push notifications and configuration updates
- Read local service configuration data for troubleshooting
- Display an Augmented Reality view, when the feature is selected from the main menu, using the device's camera to show where near-by hotspots are.
When “Send Anonymous Usage Data” is allowed, the Shaw Go WiFi Finder App will also:
- Collect anonymous usage data for determining additional locations for Go WiFi
- Perform low impact, network performance quality tests
- Launch immediately after the device starts in order to collect data
- Send collected anonymous usage data, and test results via Wifi connection only
- Search for Shaw Go WiFi hotspots and filter search results by category, including cafés, entertainment venues, transportation venues and more
- Get direction and distance details from your current location to Shaw Go WiFi hotspots
- View Shaw Go WiFi hotspots on a map or in a list view for full network access
- Share locations with friends via email, Facebook and Twitter
- Save favourite Go WiFi hotspots to a list for easy reference
- Find information about Shaw Go WiFi hotspots including address, phone number and website
- Register your device for Shaw Go WiFi auto connect directly from the app
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يعد Metro Life جزءًا من حدث The Hunt Mega Edition لهذا العام بواسطة Roblox. يتميز هذا الحدث بسعي حصري سيكافئك برمز مطاردة
يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من Shaw Go WiFi Finder! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!